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Free Tool: Data Privacy Newsfeed

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

New tool launched by members of the Node Zero community joins a growing library of free datasets, dashboards, and tools for privacy pros

Each month, hundreds of privacy professionals tune in to the the Data Drop podcast which offers quick 5-minute roundups of the latest data privacy and privtech news from around the globe.

Thanks to the efforts of the Node Zero community, all of the stories featured in the show are now accessible via a free, searchable tool that also includes privacy-related podcast episodes.

Instant access to privacy news & podcasts

The Data Privacy Newsfeed provides instant access to thousands of news stories and podcast episodes and each result includes the following details:

  • Date

  • Location

  • Headline

  • Overview

  • Link to source

Detailed filters

Items in the Data Privacy Newsfeed can be filtered by location (region, country, continent) and subject-related tags:

  • Regulation

  • Enforcement

  • Advertising

  • Children

  • Surveillance

  • Lawsuit

  • PrivTech

  • Tech Giants

Individual stories can also be bookmarked for future reference via the Node Zero platform.

Use cases

The Data Privacy Newsfeed is intended to be used by a variety of people who will benefit from open and instant access to privacy news stories from around the globe:



​Data consultants

​Inform client assessments

​Privacy lawyers

Augment case research


Support policy papers, white papers

Compliance Teams

Stay on top of important global news


Support course and certification studies

Become a Data Custodian

The free tools of the Node Zero community are powered by collaborative datasets that are maintained by members and anyone can contribute by offering to become a 'Data Custodian'.

Custodians have special access permision to add and/or approve changes to datasets and are a key part of Node Zero community operations.

For example, a Data Custodian could support the Newsfeed tool by volunteering to add privacy stories from their state or country using a simple form that we provide.

Growing library of free tools

The Data Privacy Newsfeed joins a growing collection of open datasets and free tools that support privacy pros and advance the global movement for increased data ownership:

  • Data Legislation Navigator

  • Data Law Navigator

  • Data Protection Authority Finder

Get started

Joining the Node Zero community is free. Simply click below to sign up and get access the Privacy Newsfeed and other free tools!

About Node Zero

Node Zero is a free community operated by the Data Collaboration Alliance, a global nonprofit dedicated to meaningful data ownership and global collaborative intelligence. We welcome people from a wide-range of backgrounds to collaborate datasets and free tools in support of their sector and important causes.


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