European Union lawmakers have laid out a new "Data Governance Plan" (DGP) a major legislative proposal to encourage the reuse of industrial data across the Single Market by creating a standardized framework of trusted tools and techniques to ensure what they describe as “secure and privacy-compliant conditions” for sharing data.
Why this matters
The new DGP framework focuses on harmonizing data governance within organizations as a tool to reduce data sharing friction and drive data-centric innovation. Most notably, it introduces the concept of a network of trusted and neutral data intermediaries which are seens as part of a wider reboot of industrial strategy which is aimed at accelerating digitalization and a "green new deal".
This announcement should be seen as the first in wave of announcements that the the EU is predicted to make in 2021 to help data flow more easily, particularly for large scale "data for good" projects and the unlocking of what EU Commissioner has described as "data altruism".
Our view
The Data Collaboration Alliance agrees 100% with the goal of fully-connected and protected data, however, we also support new approaches that replace the need to replicate (share) in data in the first place.
We endorse approaches that unify operational data via a network-based data management architecture (such as Data Fabric platform) that offer data owners to define universal access controls and innovators to create powerful data models using Zero Copy Integration. In this way, replication can be entirely eliminated from the IT delivery process and secure collaboration becomes the engine of the IT delivery process, both within and between organizations. This is a highly efficient way to achieve the outcomes being sought in the Data Governance Plan and would eliminate the need for the complexity and risk of the proposed intermediaries.
See also: proposed standard for Zero Copy Integration.
Quotable quote
"These data brokers or intermediaries that will provide for data sharing will do that in a way that your rights are protected and that you have choices" - Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, November 25, 2020
Publisher: TechCrunch
Author: Natasha Lomas
Link: TechCrunch website